Friday, June 5, 2009
The Drinking Age Lowered to 16
I strongly believe the legal drinking age should be lowered to 16 because most teens of this generation display remarkable adult behavior toward their time management and how they organize their lives. Teens, by the age of 16, have already had 2 years of potential work experience behind them and can fully show adult responsibility by this time. Teens also display the ability to balance work and school together. These time management skills that these young adults show resembles that of a full grown adult, and by showing this, the young adults should be given the same privileges and responsibilities that grown adults are handed. As I constantly see full grown men and women abusing their freedom and not showing responsibility, it makes me question why these soon-to-be adults, who are showing miles more responsibility than these degenerate adults, shouldn't be receiving these freedoms they have worked and sacrificed so hard to be entitled.
Friday, May 22, 2009
55 Fiction
Clay was the most feared gangster East LA has ever seen. He'd go about his life of hustle under the radars of the local police. Clay had made the block a classic terror story that even the police themselves would avoid. He only dealt with the high rollers and is still the best ever.
Friday, May 15, 2009
10 Worst Movies Of All Time
The following are movies that, in my opinion, are the worst creations to ever hit the movie industry and should be discarded as soon as possible from the public eye.
1. Twilight-The epitamy of an awful movie. The special effects were awful and the acting was disgusting.
2. Bride Wars- Would have been number 1 but the acting was just slightly better than Twilight.
3. The Love Guru- Mike Myers, what were you ever thinking.
4. Don't Mess With The Zohan- The corniest of the top 12 for sure. A story of a hairdresser/hero soldier? Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.
5. Babylon A.D.- A futuristic hero war movie that went way down the tubes as far as acting and special effects went. Cheesy storyline and bad acting.
6. Beverly Hills Chihuahua- The title says it all. The fact that money would even be considered to be spent on a script like this tells me all I need to know about the film industry's integrity.
7. Miracle On 34th Street- Holiday Classic or not. Awesome reviews or not. I'm sorry but seemed like the longest movie of all time. If there is the possibility of dragging this movie out any longer, I honestly don't know how.
8. Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull- The first three were unreal. But they failed miserably on this last one. The acting was bad and the storyline was boring.
9. Yes Man- Jim Carry is one of my all time favorites but this movie was not that funny. His movies are known for being off the wall funny but it was not up to his usual standards.
10. The Black Dahlia- I was in the theatre for about 20 minutes and I've never walked out that soon before. The story was leading nowhere and I had to get out of there.
1. Twilight-The epitamy of an awful movie. The special effects were awful and the acting was disgusting.
2. Bride Wars- Would have been number 1 but the acting was just slightly better than Twilight.
3. The Love Guru- Mike Myers, what were you ever thinking.
4. Don't Mess With The Zohan- The corniest of the top 12 for sure. A story of a hairdresser/hero soldier? Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.
5. Babylon A.D.- A futuristic hero war movie that went way down the tubes as far as acting and special effects went. Cheesy storyline and bad acting.
6. Beverly Hills Chihuahua- The title says it all. The fact that money would even be considered to be spent on a script like this tells me all I need to know about the film industry's integrity.
7. Miracle On 34th Street- Holiday Classic or not. Awesome reviews or not. I'm sorry but seemed like the longest movie of all time. If there is the possibility of dragging this movie out any longer, I honestly don't know how.
8. Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull- The first three were unreal. But they failed miserably on this last one. The acting was bad and the storyline was boring.
9. Yes Man- Jim Carry is one of my all time favorites but this movie was not that funny. His movies are known for being off the wall funny but it was not up to his usual standards.
10. The Black Dahlia- I was in the theatre for about 20 minutes and I've never walked out that soon before. The story was leading nowhere and I had to get out of there.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Slumdog Millionaire Synthesis
The poem "The Road Not Taken", written by Robert Frost, directly relates to the novel Slumdog Millionaire's main character Ram. Throughout the novel, Ram is forced to make tough choices in order to get ahead in life and be rid of the life of a slumdog. Each path he chooses leads him to overcome other obstacles each one as, or more, serious than the other. As he travels throughout his tragic life, each path he chooses leads to big opportunities but also, leaves what potentially could be his escape from poverty behind. Robert Frost wrote, "Then took the other, as just as fair, and having perhaps the better claim, because it was grassy and wanted wear; though as for that the passing there had worn them really about the same" This shows how when people go through their lives they are forced to make educated decisions about what path they take that will benefit them in the long run. Although people end up making the wrong decisions, it is only the outcome of that decision that they can learn from which helps them make better decisions in the future which is what life is all about. The poem says "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." This quote is exactly how Ram lives out his life. Sometimes the difference, as referred by the poem, is a negative experience and sometimes it isn't but both will make him a stronger person as it will all the rest of us.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Bloody Slow Walking People

I know everyone has had that one moron that takes up the whole sidewalk when it just so happens you need to get somewhere in a hurry. There is nothing more frustrating then the fact that there is somewhere you need to be but you can't get there. First of all the only thought running through your head in a situation like this is "how can I get around this behemoth of a person without being pushy or rude." Another thing that kills me is how can they not hear you nipping at their heels? Obviously I have caught up to you and want to continue to move at the same pace so try and dig down deep and find the blatant common curtesy and MOVE! If its not enough that i'm matching them pace for pace then how about the fact that they can hear my breath because i'm inches away from the back of their neck. Lets get serious here and give your head a shake. I have no problem with the person, just the way they conduct their obvious indefference to the fellow stepper by being so oblivious to their fellow man.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Slums in Mumbai (Slumdog Millionaire)

The slums in Mumbai have risen exponentially since the 1950's. The people who occupy the slums make up 60% of Mumbai's population which is around 7 million people. The slum region is extremely dense with about 16500 people per square mile which makes it easy to see how such problems like cleanliness and health are non existant. The slums are saturated with pollution and disease. Nearby hospitals are underresourced and many of the doctors working there lack official training and even the simplest qualifications for their job. The slum growth rate in Mumbai is actually greater than that of the general urban growth rate. The island of Bombay is quickly becoming a slum entirely, and there is little to no action being implicated to reverse this detrimental affect on this region.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Geoff Ogilvy
Geoff Ogilvy has always been an extremely gifted young talent. He picked up his first golf club at the age of 7 and became a scratch golfer at the age of 16. Over the last few years he's come into his own earning him his current first place ranking in the FedEx Cup standings. Over his 197 pro events played, he has 78 top 25 finishes which has earned him just under 20 million dollars in his professional career. Of his 6 events played in his 2009 season he already has 2 wins up against the best golfers in the world. It seems as if he continually tops his preformance every time he hits a golf ball and is showing his desire to come closer in contention with golf's greatest, Tiger Woods. Expect great things from this young Australian in events to come.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Synthesis: "The Lottery" & "The Perils of Indifference"
"The Lottery" shows us how a seemingly, normal mannered, town can be extremely uncivilized for the sole reason that indifference is a annual tradition. This proves that even the most humble people can be desensitized into thinking that the atrocities are just a normal way of living their lives. "The Perils of Indifference" suggests that indifference can be "seductive" and "tempting". The speach reads, "It is so much easier to look away from victims. It is so much easier to avoid such rude interruptions to our work, our dreams, our hopes. It is, after all, awkward, troublesome, to be involved in another person's pain and despair." This suggests that to act of stepping in and caring about another person's anguish is looked at as being an inconvenience rather than an act of caring. This principle alone has lead to massive injustices in our world. The Holocaust was based on this idea where the Nazi army had no intention of trying to understand the deversity of our planets different races so, they tried to eliminate as many of the different cultures as possible out of fear and indifference. Most of the horrible injustices in this world can be traced back to this idea of severe indifference. Elie Wiesel has put this idea into light for the rest of the world and hopefully makes us realize that standing aside and not acting on injustice only leads to pain and suffering. Whether it be a fight at school or a war based on a racist idea, indifference must be eliminated from the world's way of thinking.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Top 3 Canucks in 08/09 Season
Even though the Vancouver Canucks have unreal team chemistry, there is always those few players that stand out and produce so consistantly. My top 3 canucks are as follows:
1. Ryan Kesler
2. Roberto Luongo
3. Alex (Rosie) Burrows
Ryan Kesler and Rosie may not be the leading point getters on the team, but when it comes to consistant play and clutch moments we call upon these guys. Rosie with his 3 short handed goals this season makes him one of the most clutch players on our team. Kesler has been consistant from game one this season. Unlike the Sedins who have droughts and spurts, Kesler makes up for the droughts of our top "go-to" guys. Thats how you win championships with grinders like these two.
Luongo? What more can i say. He's the reason that we've done so well pre his injury. While he was injured, the Canucks struggled terribly. He doesn't only make huge saves. He gives the whole team massive amounts of confidence. He allows the defence to push forward and join the rush to support our forwards. That alone gives us huge offensive advantage. Also you can't ignore his shutout streak beating out his old record from last season to make his sequence 2:42:36. Impressive and my hero.
1. Ryan Kesler
2. Roberto Luongo
3. Alex (Rosie) Burrows
Ryan Kesler and Rosie may not be the leading point getters on the team, but when it comes to consistant play and clutch moments we call upon these guys. Rosie with his 3 short handed goals this season makes him one of the most clutch players on our team. Kesler has been consistant from game one this season. Unlike the Sedins who have droughts and spurts, Kesler makes up for the droughts of our top "go-to" guys. Thats how you win championships with grinders like these two.
Luongo? What more can i say. He's the reason that we've done so well pre his injury. While he was injured, the Canucks struggled terribly. He doesn't only make huge saves. He gives the whole team massive amounts of confidence. He allows the defence to push forward and join the rush to support our forwards. That alone gives us huge offensive advantage. Also you can't ignore his shutout streak beating out his old record from last season to make his sequence 2:42:36. Impressive and my hero.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
If i had a superpower i would want it to be the ability to freeze time. So many problems could be solved this way. For example, if I was broke, time could be frozen and i could just walse into the bank and solve my money issue. If life was moving too fast for me i could just take a break and resume when i wanted to. If i were to get myself into a sticky situation with some bad people then time stops and i'm gone. All in all, this would be the best super power you could possibly have.
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