I know everyone has had that one moron that takes up the whole sidewalk when it just so happens you need to get somewhere in a hurry. There is nothing more frustrating then the fact that there is somewhere you need to be but you can't get there. First of all the only thought running through your head in a situation like this is "how can I get around this behemoth of a person without being pushy or rude." Another thing that kills me is how can they not hear you nipping at their heels? Obviously I have caught up to you and want to continue to move at the same pace so try and dig down deep and find the blatant common curtesy and MOVE! If its not enough that i'm matching them pace for pace then how about the fact that they can hear my breath because i'm inches away from the back of their neck. Lets get serious here and give your head a shake. I have no problem with the person, just the way they conduct their obvious indefference to the fellow stepper by being so oblivious to their fellow man.